Enough | Eating as a Prayer

Enough | Eating as a Prayer

You know how songs either have a clear ending or they fade out? Lunch for me yesterday was a gradual fade out. After a heaping plateful of food, I was in the kitchen slicing a peach to put on another Wasa cracker with peanut butter, when I heard a small inner voice...
Break up with Perfection

Break up with Perfection

Break up with perfection. Turn towards balance, a gentler love. I will always love perfection, but I have to break up with it every day, in every way. What drew me to Chinese Medicine was balance: we come from nature and return to it. I find more balance when I dance...
Vitamin E on a WFPB no oil diet

Vitamin E on a WFPB no oil diet

I try to get nearly all my nutrients from food, especially when it comes to antioxidants. The RDA for Vitamin E in adults is 15 mg. Vitamin E is especially important for the brain, eyes, immunity and cardiovascular system. Yeah, it’s really important! I love my...